Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wealth and Glory

It's Beautiful!! Have you ever walked into a mansion and been taken aback by the opulance and wealth surrounding you? The Palace at Versaille is the picture that comes to mind when I think of glamorous wealth. I have cleaned houses that are mansions, with many many rooms and tables set all the time with a gorgeous crystal and china setting. The glittering chandeliers and grand staircases.

But the people that lived in that palace, did not get to take the gold and glitter with them when they died. Glory belongs to God. As I read Esther 1 I was in awe of the blue and white and purple of the Garden that Xerxes held a banquet in; the gold goblets that his guests were drinking out of, all of the made one-of-a-kind; the floors made of mother of peal and a few other glamorous stones and things used to pave the ground of the garden. But Xerxes didn't understand that all the things he had, all the lands he took over didn't mean a thing, he would be the same as the beasts of the earth when he died, the only thing known to him being his body. Psalms tells us this, and we should each remember it. You work hard for your money, but in the end it is not yours to be proud of, it belongs to God and the glory that money brings belongs to Him as well.

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