Sunday, January 24, 2010


In doing the study on Esther, we learned that one of the translsations of the name Esther is "Myrtle". I was at work this past week and talked about Myrtle and someone mentioned that we sometimes get Myrtle in, I had no idea what Myrtle was, so I was ecstatic when our delivery that same day had some in it! I picked up some other flowers to go with it and made the arrangment below. The second photo is the actual Myrtle, the green leafy peices of a bush.

You can ignore the bare bones simpleness of the arrangment, I am not a professional, I just work as a clerk at the florist. But I chose purple and gold themes for this arrangment because Esther was a queen, and a good one at that! This arrangment is to symbolize Queen Esther.

The Myrtle smells kind of like a spice, almost like rosemary, it is a pleasant aroma, which makes me think that a pleasant aroma of the Lord floated off of Queen Esther, the Bible tells us everyone around loved being in her presence.

I hope you enjoy some of my musings on Esther, I am learing so much through the study and I feel like passing some of this knowledge on to you....

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