Friday, January 21, 2011

Crazy Love, by Francis Chan

If you haven't read it yet, pick up this short little book at the library or buy it and then pass it on to someone else. Or do as I did and check out the MP3 Audio Book on your library's website. You won't regret it, however you go about experiencing this book.

Crazy Love, Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan

This pastor is so passionate about the love of our Lord and Savior, you can't help but realize things that you have heard all your life as a Christian and then hear them in your heart. I am not going to tell you everything in the book, you really need to read it. I don't often "promote" books, but this one needs to be read by every Christian in America. The fact that this book points out why so many people in America dis-like Christians because of the way we have created our stereotype is a brave and eye opening journey creator. How many people, Christians and Non-Christians, have you heard say that they don't go to church because they don't feel loved and don't feel that they need to be there to feel God. I have even heard people say they feel God more in a Bar than they do in a church. And in some churches I can definitely understand that. This book goes over why this is happening.

The way the book is written felt more like listening to a long sermon than listening to a book. The scripture references are to the point and vast, and some of them I had never really heard, but they apply so well to the life we are to be living. I am going to share a few passages of the book that really stood out to me, enough so that I stopped the recording and wrote it all down.

*Be real with God when you talk to Him
*Actively run TOWARD God
*Loving God = Loving your neighbor
*It should be our business everyday to prepare for the last day
*Hebrews 11:6 Read it
*God doesn't want Religious Duty, He wants an Intimate Relationship
*We don't LOSE Joy, we choose it and WORK FOR IT
*A lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron
*Are we more concerned with going to heaven, or Loving God?
*Luke 18:27 Read it
*God decides whether I take another breath, He deserves MY best!
*It's not what you advertise that counts, its what your really made of!

These are snippets of the book, it is literally full of in your face realizations. It only takes 4 hours to listen to the MP3, you can probably read the book in about the same amount of time. But I strongly urge you to find this in one form or another and take the short time to read or listen to this book.

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