I have never been a fan of taking baths, I much much much prefer a shower. Taking a bath is a claustrophobic nightmare for me, mostly because bath tubs these days are sooooo small. You can't actually get your entire body underwater. And if you try you end up smooshing yourself into a not comfortable position. I love really hot showers, but to take a hot bath and have all that steam just sitting there adds to my nightmare. I get hot and I am in a cramped space. Not fun for me at all. If I stay in a nice hotel room with a huge jacuzzi tub though, I will indulge quite happily. It is much more relaxing when you can actually get comfortable and be hot.
But a doctor has suggested I start taking warm baths with Epsom or Sea Salt and Lavender each night to relieve the tension in my body and help me to sleep more peacefully so my body can heal and re-charge at night. I told the doctor I don't like baths, but I will make an effort. So I have started nightly taking a bath with a nice Sea Salt and Epsom Salt mixture and good hot water and Lavender oil. I put on some very soft relaxing earthy music and actually relax! I breathe very deeply and close my eyes and let my body soak in the water and minerals. And you know what, that stuff actually works! I was shocked when I actually dozed off last night. But what really got me was the research I have been doing.
Epsom salt and Sea Salt are different but both have many many positive attributes for the body. When you take a bath your body uses osmosis to soak in the minerals and the water. The minerals in the salt are usually needed in your body and so you start to repair tissues by absorbing these through your skin. One of the properties of this is that your Nervous System calms down (partially from the heat and partially from the minerals and lavender)so that your body can work internally to repair and heal. Deep breathing helps because it acts as a pump for your circulation system to get more oxygen through your body, which also helps you move tension and junk in your body out of your body so it can be expelled. The minerals help with this as well, as the osmosis takes place your are pulling in good things and bad things are being pushed out into your bath water.
Not only is it helping me greatly to learn to relax, but it is healing my body. My nightly aches and pains are diminished and I even noticed bruises healing quite quickly (it normally takes me a few weeks to get a bruise to go away). So I am urging you to buy some cheap Epsom salts at the store, any place that has a pharmacy has it, and add a cup or two to your warm bath and reap the benefits that pure salt can have for your body!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
God's Love
God is Love, God created Love, and God teaches Love.
I posted how I read Crazy Love, and since I finished this phenomenal book, there have been many ways God has shown me how He loves and how the world loves. They are very different. The way I see it the most though is when people who say they are Christians and are followers of the same God and Jesus Christ that I am , use this "relationship" to belittle and hurt others! This is not what God says to do at all!
My first thing is this: Judgment is GOD'S JOB! NOT YOURS!
* God teaches us this: "For we mus all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." (2 Corinthians 5:10) This means that no matter how angry we get or how wrong we think someone is for whatever they do or say, it is not our place to judge them for it. Yes, hold them accountable; go to them and tell them that they need to check themselves against the Holy word of God, and let it go at that. You are not told to preach at them or to ask God to smite them, or to go out and gossip about them and tell everyone you can what an awful and sinful person they are! It's not about you, so get over it and move on!
Second point: Love THEM!
*This is what God says about Love: "this is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. " (1 John 3:16-20) Here's how I feel about loving each other: every person on this Earth is here because God has a plan for them, and if they come in contact with you your job is to show them God's love and His word and Saving Grace. You are not to show them how wrong they are and make them feel bad and then when they find out you are a follower of God they say they don't need that God, He is no different than any of the other people and things they have encountered in this hard world. How would you feel if you get to heaven and God asks you why you treated all the people that He loved so much SO BADLY? How will you answer Him?
Third Point: FORGIVE and FORGET!
*Colossians 3:13 "Forgive just as the Lord forgave YOU" (emphasis mine)It is not much simpler than this, when the Lord forgives us He puts it as far as the East is from the West, and it is gone forever. Never to be pulled up again, never to be brought up again. Christ died on the Cross for our sins and paid the ultimate price for our forgiveness. We are not Holy enough to do this, so leave the grudges behind and move on, sincerely forgive someone for whatever they have done to YOU (this is all that matters, if it wasn't done to you, then you shouldn't care at all) and forget about it and move on with life and your relationship with that person.
This is easier said than done, but a lot of people out there are saying that we need to hold grudges until we feel like it is over. They are saying we need to have vengeance and if we aren't going to get it ourselves we need to pray to God to smite that person down. God says not to do this, and His word is the ultimate one. He gives us life, each breath we breathe is GIFT FROM GOD, so don't you think we should be living by what He says and not what society or some backward mixed up "preacher" says?!
I posted how I read Crazy Love, and since I finished this phenomenal book, there have been many ways God has shown me how He loves and how the world loves. They are very different. The way I see it the most though is when people who say they are Christians and are followers of the same God and Jesus Christ that I am , use this "relationship" to belittle and hurt others! This is not what God says to do at all!
My first thing is this: Judgment is GOD'S JOB! NOT YOURS!
* God teaches us this: "For we mus all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." (2 Corinthians 5:10) This means that no matter how angry we get or how wrong we think someone is for whatever they do or say, it is not our place to judge them for it. Yes, hold them accountable; go to them and tell them that they need to check themselves against the Holy word of God, and let it go at that. You are not told to preach at them or to ask God to smite them, or to go out and gossip about them and tell everyone you can what an awful and sinful person they are! It's not about you, so get over it and move on!
Second point: Love THEM!
*This is what God says about Love: "this is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. " (1 John 3:16-20) Here's how I feel about loving each other: every person on this Earth is here because God has a plan for them, and if they come in contact with you your job is to show them God's love and His word and Saving Grace. You are not to show them how wrong they are and make them feel bad and then when they find out you are a follower of God they say they don't need that God, He is no different than any of the other people and things they have encountered in this hard world. How would you feel if you get to heaven and God asks you why you treated all the people that He loved so much SO BADLY? How will you answer Him?
Third Point: FORGIVE and FORGET!
*Colossians 3:13 "Forgive just as the Lord forgave YOU" (emphasis mine)It is not much simpler than this, when the Lord forgives us He puts it as far as the East is from the West, and it is gone forever. Never to be pulled up again, never to be brought up again. Christ died on the Cross for our sins and paid the ultimate price for our forgiveness. We are not Holy enough to do this, so leave the grudges behind and move on, sincerely forgive someone for whatever they have done to YOU (this is all that matters, if it wasn't done to you, then you shouldn't care at all) and forget about it and move on with life and your relationship with that person.
This is easier said than done, but a lot of people out there are saying that we need to hold grudges until we feel like it is over. They are saying we need to have vengeance and if we aren't going to get it ourselves we need to pray to God to smite that person down. God says not to do this, and His word is the ultimate one. He gives us life, each breath we breathe is GIFT FROM GOD, so don't you think we should be living by what He says and not what society or some backward mixed up "preacher" says?!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Crazy Love, by Francis Chan
If you haven't read it yet, pick up this short little book at the library or buy it and then pass it on to someone else. Or do as I did and check out the MP3 Audio Book on your library's website. You won't regret it, however you go about experiencing this book.
Crazy Love, Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan
This pastor is so passionate about the love of our Lord and Savior, you can't help but realize things that you have heard all your life as a Christian and then hear them in your heart. I am not going to tell you everything in the book, you really need to read it. I don't often "promote" books, but this one needs to be read by every Christian in America. The fact that this book points out why so many people in America dis-like Christians because of the way we have created our stereotype is a brave and eye opening journey creator. How many people, Christians and Non-Christians, have you heard say that they don't go to church because they don't feel loved and don't feel that they need to be there to feel God. I have even heard people say they feel God more in a Bar than they do in a church. And in some churches I can definitely understand that. This book goes over why this is happening.
The way the book is written felt more like listening to a long sermon than listening to a book. The scripture references are to the point and vast, and some of them I had never really heard, but they apply so well to the life we are to be living. I am going to share a few passages of the book that really stood out to me, enough so that I stopped the recording and wrote it all down.
*Be real with God when you talk to Him
*Actively run TOWARD God
*Loving God = Loving your neighbor
*It should be our business everyday to prepare for the last day
*Hebrews 11:6 Read it
*God doesn't want Religious Duty, He wants an Intimate Relationship
*We don't LOSE Joy, we choose it and WORK FOR IT
*A lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron
*Are we more concerned with going to heaven, or Loving God?
*Luke 18:27 Read it
*God decides whether I take another breath, He deserves MY best!
*It's not what you advertise that counts, its what your really made of!
These are snippets of the book, it is literally full of in your face realizations. It only takes 4 hours to listen to the MP3, you can probably read the book in about the same amount of time. But I strongly urge you to find this in one form or another and take the short time to read or listen to this book.
Crazy Love, Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan
This pastor is so passionate about the love of our Lord and Savior, you can't help but realize things that you have heard all your life as a Christian and then hear them in your heart. I am not going to tell you everything in the book, you really need to read it. I don't often "promote" books, but this one needs to be read by every Christian in America. The fact that this book points out why so many people in America dis-like Christians because of the way we have created our stereotype is a brave and eye opening journey creator. How many people, Christians and Non-Christians, have you heard say that they don't go to church because they don't feel loved and don't feel that they need to be there to feel God. I have even heard people say they feel God more in a Bar than they do in a church. And in some churches I can definitely understand that. This book goes over why this is happening.
The way the book is written felt more like listening to a long sermon than listening to a book. The scripture references are to the point and vast, and some of them I had never really heard, but they apply so well to the life we are to be living. I am going to share a few passages of the book that really stood out to me, enough so that I stopped the recording and wrote it all down.
*Be real with God when you talk to Him
*Actively run TOWARD God
*Loving God = Loving your neighbor
*It should be our business everyday to prepare for the last day
*Hebrews 11:6 Read it
*God doesn't want Religious Duty, He wants an Intimate Relationship
*We don't LOSE Joy, we choose it and WORK FOR IT
*A lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron
*Are we more concerned with going to heaven, or Loving God?
*Luke 18:27 Read it
*God decides whether I take another breath, He deserves MY best!
*It's not what you advertise that counts, its what your really made of!
These are snippets of the book, it is literally full of in your face realizations. It only takes 4 hours to listen to the MP3, you can probably read the book in about the same amount of time. But I strongly urge you to find this in one form or another and take the short time to read or listen to this book.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New Year, New Me
Well, once again the New Year is here, and so far I have worked out every day of the new year! This is pretty good for me, if you know me, you know weight has been a losing battle of mine for most of my life. But now it is a little more of an important battle than it has been in the past.
The main reason is that I am noticing more health issues from being overweight. I have a very very tiny Cholesterol problem and my blood pressure is still considered "normal" but it is getting higher than my "normal". This is just the clinical proof, the other proof is in being out of breath at the top of stairs and having aches and pains and not being able to do things I used to. Along with clothing getting more depressing to purchase and more expensive.
My goals are pretty high, but I am breaking them down into smaller more attainable goals that don't feel so overwhelming. Losing weight is a slow and steady race, not made for people who need to hurry through in unhealthy attempts just to lose the battle again. So I am setting 20 pound goals and realistic time frames for them, so I obtain a goal and reward myself with something small and then continue on the next goal, another 20 pounds.
The tools of my plan are pretty simple. Wii Fit Plus, Biggest Loser for the Wii, and working out with my husband doing Army drills to build stamina. My favorite thing: Wii Fit Plus Free Run, Rythem Boxing, and Free Walk (this is done by walking on the Wii Fit board with a metronome in the Wii Remote and watching whatever I want on TV, it counts your steps and keeps the time for you!) I highly recommend the Wii Fit system, it is in your living room, you don't have to go to a gym with people that are shopping in a meat market setting; you don't have to go outside in the elements, which in Ohio is a big deal most of the year; you do it all barefoot, no crazy shoes to buy; you keep track of your progress every day! This is one of the best investments in our health that our family has purchased and I recommend it to everyone!
The hardest part of weight loss for me is to eat correctly all the time. I can do it most of the time, but S U G A R is the enemy for me. I get rid of sugar and then it somehow finds a way to creep back into the home! It is like a bug!
I have plenty of motivation, for instance: photos of myself at various stages of life; the possibility of having kids in the next five years and needing to be healthy to do that; being healthy because I am in the health industry and it is a little contradictory to help people get healthy when I am not; to have the body God desires me too, taking care of the temple He has given me here on the Earth.
Lets all encourage each other in our endeavors in this New Year! Share your plans with me and we can encourage each other as we go!
The main reason is that I am noticing more health issues from being overweight. I have a very very tiny Cholesterol problem and my blood pressure is still considered "normal" but it is getting higher than my "normal". This is just the clinical proof, the other proof is in being out of breath at the top of stairs and having aches and pains and not being able to do things I used to. Along with clothing getting more depressing to purchase and more expensive.
My goals are pretty high, but I am breaking them down into smaller more attainable goals that don't feel so overwhelming. Losing weight is a slow and steady race, not made for people who need to hurry through in unhealthy attempts just to lose the battle again. So I am setting 20 pound goals and realistic time frames for them, so I obtain a goal and reward myself with something small and then continue on the next goal, another 20 pounds.
The tools of my plan are pretty simple. Wii Fit Plus, Biggest Loser for the Wii, and working out with my husband doing Army drills to build stamina. My favorite thing: Wii Fit Plus Free Run, Rythem Boxing, and Free Walk (this is done by walking on the Wii Fit board with a metronome in the Wii Remote and watching whatever I want on TV, it counts your steps and keeps the time for you!) I highly recommend the Wii Fit system, it is in your living room, you don't have to go to a gym with people that are shopping in a meat market setting; you don't have to go outside in the elements, which in Ohio is a big deal most of the year; you do it all barefoot, no crazy shoes to buy; you keep track of your progress every day! This is one of the best investments in our health that our family has purchased and I recommend it to everyone!
The hardest part of weight loss for me is to eat correctly all the time. I can do it most of the time, but S U G A R is the enemy for me. I get rid of sugar and then it somehow finds a way to creep back into the home! It is like a bug!
I have plenty of motivation, for instance: photos of myself at various stages of life; the possibility of having kids in the next five years and needing to be healthy to do that; being healthy because I am in the health industry and it is a little contradictory to help people get healthy when I am not; to have the body God desires me too, taking care of the temple He has given me here on the Earth.
Lets all encourage each other in our endeavors in this New Year! Share your plans with me and we can encourage each other as we go!

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