I took this photo last night, on my apartment balcony railing. When I took the photo I did not really see anything special about it, just a bunch of fluffy snow on a black rail. I went inside and started editing the photos, and I cropped this one so it was centered more, when I cropped it, automatically it zoomed in, and I saw the snowflake in the center. When I fixed the lighting it popped out even more, perfectly captured by the flash of the camera to show it's glistening icy little appendages. I have been in awe ever since.
Snowflakes are amazing tiny pieces of art, God takes the time to make sure every piece of ice that falls from the clouds all over the Earth, is unique and different! You will not find two snowflakes that are exactly the same anywhere on the planet. The fact that these light as air works of art make it to the Earth's surface without being torn to pieces is another miracle. In the photo you can see the sharp edges of some of the other snowflakes and how they pile on top of each other and lay at all different angles.
I realized once again the Amazing power of God while looking at this photo. If He can take the time to create every snowflake and make sure it glides down gracefully in one piece to the ground below, through all the stormy winds and harsh conditions; then surely the people He created in His own image are much more important and He keeps His eyes on us as well. We go through many storms and harsh conditions and yet we can also glide through life, thanks to the watchful eye of our Lord and Creator. He made every one of us as unique as the snowflakes, and with much more care and purpose. If we take the attitude of the snowflake and just let Him blow us around in life and put us where He wants us and to fulfill whatever purpose He has for us, we will be just as graceful and beautiful; instead of bouncing around and falling where we may.
Take time today to thank God for allowing you to land where He wanted you to, and for creating you as a uniquely beautiful being, and thank Him for your purpose and your place and for helping to guide you safely through the storms and winds of life to get here.